(FinancialHealth.net)- Simplify Your Life and Take Care of You, Too
Being a caregiver for a loved one is a selfless job. It requires time and stamina to take care of others, but the rewards are plenty. The only thing probably getting lost along the way is “self” time and being able to complete one’s own daily tasks. Over time, this can lead to significant caregiver burnout. Here’s how to avoid getting overwhelmed altogether.
Get Organized
Keeping the home clean and tidy creates a safe and nurturing environment. This helps boost productivity and keeps things organized. Here are some tips:
- Sort medical supplies — being able to quickly grab items without having to search endlessly for them relieves frustration.
- Eliminate extra clutter to create a healthier living environment.
- Meal prep ahead of time or hire a delivery service to make dinner time easier on you.
- Hire a home health care agency or professional organizer to help create a functional living environment.
Organization can make the role of a caregiver that much easier.
Implement Helpful Reminders
A big obstacle leading to caregiver burnout is losing control over time. Missing appointments, not remembering what meds to take or misplacing important numbers can make things overwhelming. The key to improving this memory issue is having specific reminders set in place. These include:
- Setting phone alarms
- Installing reminder apps
- Connecting to a patient record portal for medication schedules and instructions
- Using a calendar to write down upcoming appointments
- Having a notebook handy that lists helpful information for visitors or other caregivers
Keeping a checklist of what needs to be done throughout the day helps to manage time better as well.
Take Time out for Health
Avoiding burnout starts with self-care. Instituting a daily exercise routine directs focus on individual health, making it easier to cope with stressful situations. Routine doctor visits address underlying medical problems and help with finding mental health resources if needed.
Catch up With Family and Friends
Set time aside each week or month to hang out with friends and family. Getting away and having a support system is important for self-care and avoiding extraneous burnout. Engage with others who are nurturing, positive and helpful.
Ask for Respite Help
Use respite help to get away and complete things you need to do. It could be work, grocery shopping, doctor appointments, or a day away at the spa. Not having to worry about your loved one while you’re away is important and it also helps prevent burnout.
Don’t get overwhelmed with a daily caregiving routine. It’s important to put yourself at the top of the care list. Feed your soul with a timeout every now and then. You can’t take good care of someone else if you’re lacking your own self-nourishment.
~Here’s to Your Financial Health!
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