(FinancialHealth.net) – Since President Trump took office, Amazon Founder Jeff Bezos has seen his personal wealth increase by $46 billion. That’s not the only thing expanding, Amazon is building new warehouses and distribution centers in multiple cities. This expansion is great news for workers in the cities that are welcoming Bezos’ company.
The company announced recently that it’s building a new warehouse in Atlanta, Georgia. With the warehouse will come 500 well-paying jobs. In July 2019, the company announced another warehouse in metro Atlanta that will lead to 1,000 new jobs.
Georgia workers aren’t the only ones benefiting from Amazon’s growth, their neighbors to the Southeast are too. Sarasota, Florida received word that a 120,000 square foot distribution center is going to bring jobs to the county. Although there isn’t an exact number yet, there’s bound to be dozens. In December, Amazon announced their plans to open a fulfillment center in Deltona, Florida, which will hire 500 workers.
Five hundred new jobs are going to be created in Olive Branch, Mississippi when Amazon’s second fulfillment center opens in the state. Last year, South Richmond, Virginia saw 150 new jobs from a new distribution center. Central Indiana saw 1,000 jobs open up when Amazon expanded in their state in 2019.
The list goes on and on.
Why is this good news? Amazon’s starting pay is $15, well above the federal and most states’ minimum wage. Any time decent-paying jobs come to an area, it’s great news for working-class America.
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