Unemployment can be really stressful, since you cannot predict your next move. You must be worried and unsure of how to handle things, specifically your cash flow. This article will tell you all about tips that can help you with unemployment. There will not be any guides on how to solve your unemployment, but we can give you advice on how to handle it. It might not be easy and you might be pretty glum most days. But, at least you will find a little bit of control in your life. That will make things much easier for you to handle unemployment and plan your next move to pull yourself out of unemployment.
What You Should Do If You Are Unemployed
Being unemployed is not easy and it normally affects your mental state in several ways. You might be discouraged and feel like a failure. That is completely normal, but it is not true. You are not defined by your job or the amount of money you make. Instead of drowning in ice-cream and self-loathing, you should look at this time as a blessing in disguise. Think of all those times when you were too busy to meet up with someone or learn a new language. Now, you can do all those things, while actively looking for a job and planning your next move. (Tough times are coming, but hey, you are tougher.)
Before you start your journey to self-care, you should be practical about your situation. You should be able to control your finances, so that you do not find yourself in a whirlwind of debt and no way out. If you are tight on finances, you can always adjust your budget accordingly. Your Netflix subscription and gym membership can wait. Also, you should not stop actively looking for a job. Even if you cannot find one right away, a job is waiting to accept you.
Take Care of the Basics and Take Care of Them Fast
One of the main aspects that you should focus on is the basics. The basics include your financial situation and what your next move is. You should concentrate and highlight on the main issues that you are facing in your current situation. It is probably best, if you determine your career goals and find out if they still apply to you. You should take this time to reassess your career goals. Somewhere down the line, you will appreciate the time that you were unemployed because you have the option where you can shift to other industries. (Doyle)
Once you reassess your career goals, then you can start applying for jobs. With your career goals in check, then you will be able to know what job to look for. You will also be able to choose a job in an industry that you prefer, instead of following the money. It might be hard to focus, but you should always take care of the basics. That way, it will be easier to focus on other aspects of your life. If you take care of the basics, then the rest will follow.
Review Assistance Options That Suits You
There are countless assistance programs that are available to help with your situation. You will want to consider a food assistance program such as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). This is also known as food stamps, which assists low-income individuals and families that cannot afford basic necessities. These food stamps assist low-income families get back on their feet, without facing financial effort. Your starting point for this program application would be here: https://www.fns.usda.gov/snap/state-director. This site will be able to help you understand what steps you need to take. However, you should apply only if you are interested in this assistance. (United States Department of Agriculture USDA)
Another helpful support program would be Medicaid. This is a program available to help cover the costs of medical expenses. Unfortunately, not every doctor accepts Medicaid. That is why it is important to make sure to check with your doctor before receiving treatment. The Medicaid program allows low-income individuals and families to receive medical treatment and receive medical insurance. Many Americans face difficulty to receive medical insurance, if they are disabled or have a chronic illness. That does not apply for Medicaid. (Kagan)
Create a Budget Plan that Works for You
You will want to really buckle down when it comes to your finances now that you are unemployed. Right now, you can only rely on the money you have in the bank. First, you should see all of the money you have in all of your accounts. (Even your piggy bank and between the couch cushions.) You want to avoid pulling money out of non-checking or non-savings accounts, such as a 401(k). However if you are in desperate need, you need to be aware of the money you have available.
From there on out, you should write out your monthly expenses. This should include everything that you spend money on, from bills, to groceries, and everything else. You will need to start cutting down on all non-essentials and luxurious products. If you normally go to a salon every two weeks, then you will need to put a pause on that. Cancel all unnecessary subscriptions whether that is a gym, a streaming service, a product box, a membership, etc. You want to live very conservatively when it comes to your finances. That is only until you have another source of income and you start working again.
Try to Stay Positive
When life kicks you while you are down, it can be easy to become depressed. Your mental health is important and should not be neglected. Try to remain positive even during the hard times. It is completely okay to acknowledge how frustrating and difficult the situation is. However, since the situation is out of your control, there is no use feeling bad about it. Obviously, that is easier said than done! However, as you remain positive you will be able to go through the flow of unemployment more smoothly. It will not be easy, but you will have to keep going. (Just Keep Swimming, just like Dory.)
There are going to be days where you will not be able to stay positive. You should know that it is completely natural that you cannot remain positive all the time. There are times when you will have trouble staying bright and shiny, but you should not lose hope. The most important thing about your mental state is that you should not lose hope. You should constantly keep yourself in check, making sure that you do not lose yourself to negativity for too long. (Don’t forget, sticks and stones, buddy.)
Take This Time to Reflect on Everything In Your Life
You can use this time to reflect on a lot of aspects of your life. This includes aspects like your career, your path, job security, and more. Maybe this is the opportunity for you to follow your passion. Perhaps, you could use this time to learn a new skill to improve your resume. Maybe you can switch industries. You have a lot of options to consider. As you look for your next job, it is important to keep these in mind. When reflecting, spend time with someone you love. Normally it can be hard to spend time with people you care about, due to a busy work schedule.
You should take advantage of this time and find out your passions. Also, you can develop new skills and hobbies that could make you happy. Even though you might think of it as a low point, you can make the most out of it! Of course, it will not be easy since you will find yourself dwelling on your situation. But, the truth is that you might not be able to find this quality time when you find a job and start working again.
Learn a New Skill or Go Back to School (Sort of)
If you ever wanted to learn Japanese or pick up a sport, now is the time to do it! You will have free time on your hands now, which means that you should utilize it. Instead of twiddling your thumbs and hitting the refresh button, you can learn something new. Most employers prefer potential candidates who are unique and not one with the crowd. This will be helpful for you when you apply to jobs and go to interviews. (What makes you weird is what makes you interesting.) You can always learn something that you find interesting. Who knows? It might be the reason behind your career shift.
If you are not interested in learning something new, then you can always consider going back to school. Yes, going back to school costs money. But, if you can find a way to make it work, then go for it! Candidates with a postgraduate degree or additional skills are very attractive to employers. This means that you have a higher chance of being employed with the skills you are working on now. The world is your oyster; you just have to start looking for your pearl.
Keep Your Eye on the Ball
You might lose faith when you spend a long time unemployed. But, you should not, under any circumstances, get your eye off the ball. It might be hard and you might be discouraged, but you should not let yourself lose focus. If you lose focus, then you might stay in this state for a long time. And, no one wants that, not one bit. You should try your best to keep your mind on the main goal, which is achieving what you want in life. Additionally, you should create a game plan on what you will do during this time. You should include job hunting and methods to enhance your skills.
Life is hard and being unemployed is harder, but it does not always have to be a bad thing. You should consider making the most out of your free time. Arrange your finances and take care of the basics. Learn a new skill and keep your eye on the ball. Try to develop a positive attitude and look for the things you love in the sea of possibilities. Also, you should take this time to reflect on your life, both professionally and personally. You can never improve yourself too much; it is always enough.
Remember that this is just a phase in your life that you need to overcome. And, if all else fails, you should remember Robert Frost because “this too shall pass.” Good luck and do not lose faith.
Works Cited
Doyle, Alison. What to Do If You Are Laid Off From Work. 17 02 2021. 22 08 2021 <https://www.thebalancecareers.com/surviving-a-layoff-2061662>.
Kagan, Julia. Medicaid. 23 03 2021. 22 08 2021 <https://www.investopedia.com/terms/m/medicaid.asp>.
Trading Economics. United States Unemployment Rate. 2021. 22 08 2021 <https://tradingeconomics.com/united-states/unemployment-rate>.