Creating a budget is one of the best things you can do to help yourself save money. It allows you to see how much you bring in each month, what your expenses are, and where you can cut costs. Rather than sitting down with a pen and paper and filling out a basic budget alone, you can use your phone to discover a budget app that just lets you enter the information quickly and easily. There are some terrific budget apps for Android that you can consider.
Intuit handles TurboTax and also created Mint, a budget app you can use on your phone. There are numerous features to use to your advantage, including payment reminders, a breakdown of where you spend your money, a credit score check, and multi-factor authentication to keep your data secure. Track your budget with ease and even pay bills all from the Mint application.
Goodbudget lets you sync your information across all platforms, including Android, iOS, or the Internet. You can track your expenses, see your income, and even export your data into a CVS file so you can print it out if needed. Download it for free on Android.
Monefy is easy to use. You can enter new data fast and have a new report generated immediately. The free version does not have as many features as the paid version, but it does let you see your expenses and learn to budget wisely. The paid version is only $2.50, making it a worthwhile investment.
Money Manager
Manage your money easily with Money Manager. The name says it all, so you won’t have to guess what this app can do for you. It lets you track your expenses and income so you know precisely where and when your money is coming and going. There is a free version or you can pay for the advanced option for just $3.99.
Countless options fill the search engine when you check for budget apps. These are some of the best possibilities available on Android and most are free or low-cost options.
~Here’s to Your Financial Health!