Beat the Summer Heat at Home With These Inexpensive Tips

Beat the Summer Heat at Home

(FinancialHealth)- With summer right around the corner, most homeowners are preparing to turn on their HVAC to beat the rising temperatures. Electric bills can be pricey and the average homeowner spends $2,060 each year on their utilities!

Keep Your Cool Without Breaking the Bank

The good news is, there are simple and inexpensive actions like replacing filters, getting equipment inspected, and adding weatherstripping, that homeowners can take to avoid spending more on utility bills than necessary. Let’s take a closer look at these energy-efficient home maintenance tasks.

Optimize HVAC Performance With a New Filter

Air filters trap dust and air particles that could block the coiling or clog the ducts of an HVAC system. Eventually, filters become clogged themselves and are less efficient. An air conditioner with a dirty filter has to work harder to get air moving, which increases utility expenses.

For this reason, homeowners should make regularly replacing their filters a part of their preventative maintenance routine. Experts suggest once every 90 days, however, people with allergies or pets should consider a more frequent filter change — as often as once a month.

Get an Expert Opinion

Even if your unit was running great at the end of last summer, things could have changed since then. Most HVAC professionals recommend a yearly, inspection and preventative maintenance program to homeowners who want to keep their air conditioner in tip-top shape. This service typically includes an inspection of the system, cleaning of the condensation drain and condenser unit, as well as lubrication of moving parts.

Many technicians will also make minor repairs as a part of this service and suggest larger repairs if problems are found during the inspection. Expert maintenance ensures that the system is working efficiently, which ultimately saves homeowners money on their utility bills and helps their budget.

Home Weatherproofing

If the air conditioner in a home is doing more work than it should because the home hasn’t been properly weatherized, monthly bills will increase. Preparing a home to withstand temperature changes lessens the impact of the outdoor climate on the indoor environment.

Check windows in the home for cracks and leaks around the edges and then properly caulk them. Use thermal curtains to protect the home from the sunlight. The Department of Energy also recommends checking insulation levels and provides a helpful guide to deciding how much and what type of insulation is needed in a home.

Improving the overall energy efficiency of a home with preventative maintenance and home weatherproofing is the best strategy for staying cool without overspending on utility bills. A little attention now can make for a relaxing and chill summer!

~ Here’s to Your Financial Health!

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