An IRA is an individual retirement arrangement. With it, you get to choose exactly how you want to invest your retirement money. You pick the stocks you like best, determine how much you want to place in each, and get to watch your retirement income grow. IRA stocks are booming right now, with plenty of options available. There are at least 3 worthy stock choices you should consider adding to your IRA. They are expected to grow exponentially over the next several years and longer.
iRobot Corporation
Robots mean automation. Devices get things done for us instead of us having to do it for ourselves. The iRobot Corporation is one of today’s leaders in automated devices. The company has a focus on consumer robot options, and has seen a 15% growth each year since 2013. The launch of its Braava wet floor care robot is taking the company even further. Take stock now if you want to benefit from its expected growth.
Trex Company, Inc.
Decks are difficult to clean and keep up with, as homeowners have to spend hours restaining, power washing, treating, and cleaning the decks in their backyards. Trex Company created an alternative solution that does not require as much upkeep. It costs more in the beginning, but due to the unneeded maintenance, it will save money in the long run. The company receives 40% of annual sales from deck purchases. Being it sells what is considered a green product, the company shows no signs of slowing down sales any time soon. Join in to benefit.
Mastercard, Inc.
Mastercard and Visa are two of the most popular card options. Visa is currently the number one choice, so you’d think you’d want to invest in that. The problem with that is Visa could drop in numbers over the next few years. Mastercard is a close second, meaning it has potential for growth. Take stock and you could help it grow into the number one spot in the future. It will gain you some money and make you part of the change.
These are just 3 of the worthy stock choices to consider. Add these and then take a look at some others to have a full IRA ready to grow your income. IRA stocks are booming. You don’t want to miss out on a huge potential to build your retirement savings.
~Here’s to Your Financial Health!