What to Expect With a Home Inspection
While you may choose a home with your heart, don’t sign on the dotted line without getting your head involved as well. We cannot stress this enough — all home purchases should include a home inspection, even a new build. During a home inspection, a neutral third party will walk through the home and look for items that may require repair — items you may not have noticed because they aren’t always visible.
Sometimes something may come up during an inspection that the seller of the home must repair before the sale. There are other items that may not be as pressing but are nice to know for the future. What will happen during a home inspection? Let’s take a closer look at the process from start to finish.
What Happens During a Home Inspection?
A home inspection typically takes between two and three hours, a timeframe that allows for a thorough look at all parts of the home. Using a predetermined checklist, the contractor will check on the functionality and safety of the electric system and plumbing throughout the house.
An inspection also involves a close look at the structure of the home and a search for water damage and leaks, as well as an examination of the doors, windows and roof. While they’re at it, the air conditioner, furnace and other home appliances will be tested. Expect your inspector to spend some time crawling around in the attic, as well.
Interpreting the Results of a Home Inspection
What do the results of a home inspection mean? The good news for individuals with limited knowledge of what makes a home safe is that an inspector will provide recommendations for moving forward.
If there’s a problem in the home that jeopardizes safety, they will suggest repairs be done before the sale takes place. An inspector may also provide suggestions about which fixes and issues can be addressed after the sale.
Moving Forward After a Home Inspection
If the home has a clean bill of health, great! It’s OK to move forward with the purchase. If there are serious issues with the structure or safety of the home, the buyer has a few options.
They can ask the seller to make repairs before the sale, or the buyer can ask for a drop in the sale price to cover the cost of taking on the repairs themselves. Lastly, in the more extreme situations, a buyer is welcome to walk away after a home inspection, though they will be out the cost of the inspection itself.
Hiring a third-party to examine a home you would like to buy is an important part of protecting yourself and your family. This essential task could help prevent a costly and unexpected expense and even health risks that could happen when moving into an unsafe home.
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