Many people don’t realize that the cost of living is rising in America. In fact, for the entire United States, the average cost of housing is 2% higher than before. Countless Americans feel the increased cost of living, but those on fixed incomes, like retirees can feel it even more. If you have a fixed income, your ability to live an affordable, contentful life gets harder and harder because more of your income is going towards the cost of living. Luckily, not every area in the country is getting more expensive. There are other cities all over America that still offer more affordable costs of living compared to their neighbors.
Lynchburg, Virginia
While the name may sound like a horror movie, the cost of living will make up for it! Many Americans are beginning to move to places like Lynchburg because the cost of living here is 11.4% lower than the national average. The median home value is $175,000 even though the median income is only $42,389!
Temple, Texas
If you want to live in a rural metro area then this is the town for you! Southern charm matched with great opportunities in industries such as logistics and distribution will provide you a nice place to live that is 12.4% less expensive than the national average.
Danville, Illinois
If you are an Abraham Lincoln or Dick Van Dyke fan then this town would be a great option to consider. Not only has it housed some famous names, but it’s high unemployment rates with low median incomes means the houses are 35% less than the average in the U.S.
Memphis, Tennessee
BBQ fans looking for affordability are in for a treat. This town, famous for their BBQ and music, is also more affordable than you may think! A cost of living that is 17.3% below the national average is a great option when you are in need.
Wyoming, Delaware
Not only was this Dover suburb named one of the best places to live in Delaware, it was also named as one of the cheapest. The benefit is that this town has low unemployment and poverty rates, yet one of the better income to rent ratios at 72.1x!
The best rule of thumb is to understand your budget before looking for homes. This will give you a clear idea on what you can or cannot afford. Once you understand your budget, you can begin looking at other factors of the area like cost of living, crime rate, median income, unemployment rate, and more to see if it would best fit your lifestyle and goals!